Different Model
The Competition
Too Many Clients: For some advisory firms, the highest goal is to gain as many clients as possible, as fast as possible, forever.
The Client Cap: At TSN, our highest goal is to provide world-class service and advice to both new clients and the clients we already have a relationship with. Advisors are rewarded for going above and beyond to help clients win.
The TSN Way
Different Standards
The Competition
Suitability Standard: Some advisors work under the Suitability Standard. This means that they have no obligation to put the client's needs ahead of their own, or do what is in the client's best interest. The Suitability Standard only requires the advisor to sell you a product or investment that is broadly suitable to your investor profile, even if it isn't the best option.
Fiduciary Standard: At TSN, your advisor always works under the Fiduciary Standard. This means we are legally obligated to do what's in your best interest. Regardless of whether we are discussing investments, financial planning, or any client concern, we will always put relationships first.
The TSN Way
Different Incentives
The Competition
High Up-front Commissions: With commissions as high as 6% on day one, many advisors have a powerful financial incentive to provide just enough service to get new clients in the door. Under this model, a $1,000,000 Portfolio with a 5.75% commission would generate $57,500 for the Advisor on the first day. Worse, advisors are incentivized to select funds with higher commission rates so they can receive bigger payouts.
Growth: At TSN, we do well when you do well. We don't get a raise unless you have more money this year than you had last year. And since our model includes zero up-front costs for the client, we succeed by creating lifelong and meaningful relationships with our clients.
The TSN Way
Different Results
The Competition
High Turnover: Because of the incentives of a sales-focused advisory model, clients tend to drift away. Sometimes, clients go years without hearing from their advisor, causing anxiety about their financial future.
Extremely High Client Retention: At TSN, the proof is in our results. Hundreds of clients just like you make the decision to continue working with us because we deliver exceptional results. We take pride in helping clients reach their goals through regular guidance and deep relationships. Most of our clients don't get rich quickly, but almost all of them get rich slowly!
The TSN Way